Ossus Green Endurance Datacron Guide

The Ossus Green Endurance Datacron is located in the Jedi Temple Ruins map on Ossus grants Endurance +2.

The Ossus Green datacron is in the hidden area of the jedi temple, accessed by an extremely hard jumping puzzle and is available to both Imperial and Republic players. Finding this datacron will give you a permanent stat boost of Endurance +2 to all your characters on your server, and will unlock the Ood Bnar codex.

  • Ossus Endurance +2 Datacron (Both Factions)
  • Quicktravel: Jedi Temple Ruins / Jedi Temple Ruins
  • Taxi: Jedi Library / Jedi Library
  • Location: Jedi Temple Ruins - hidden area of the jedi temple, accessed by an extremely hard jumping puzzle
  • Difficulty: Very Very Hard - difficult jumping puzzle in the dark
  • Codex: Ood Bnar

How to Get the Ossus Green Endurance Datacron

I have covered this datacron extensively in a different guide outside of the main datacrons guides, so please check it out!

Ood Bnar’s Datacron and Weapon Tuning