Duuba's Transport Skiff
The Duuba's Transport Skiff is a Skiff Unobtainable speeder that can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

How to get the Duuba's Transport Skiff
The Duuba's Transport Skiff exists somewhere in the games files, and can be seen in the decorations list as a preview of a decoration. However, there does not seem to be an actual way to get the Duuba's Transport Skiff ingame. It may have been meant for a Cartel Market item that never came out, or for an achievement that was never released.
Duuba's Transport Skiff and Gaboorga's Transport Skiff were possibly added to the game's files and decorations list in update 6.14, in 2020 as part of the first Feast of Prosperity once-a-year event. It's possible this mount was supposed to be a reward related to the event, but never made it in to the game. We do not have any graphics related to this mount, just an entry in the decorations system.
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