I’m looking to gather information about how to get different decorations – and need a lot more data about decorations that drop from Operations! Ever wanted to help with a guide? This is a great way to do it – and a chance to win some awesome prizes! Contest ends April 13, 2024 all the way till the end of the day!
Contest: Run a Level 80 Operation or Lair Boss (single-boss Operation) in any mode. If a decoration drops from an enemy, take a screenshot showing the decoration and which enemy, and submit it to be entered to win Cartel Coins! You can enter as many times as you want for every drop you get!
How to Enter
1. Run an Operation or Lair boss. You can run in Story, Veteran or Master mode. You can run it with friends, or through the groupfinder, with 8-man or 16-man or short-manned.
2. If a decoration drops from an ENEMY, click the “other” tab in the chat log, and click the decoration name while you are still near the enemy, even better if you have the enemy’s body selected (it’s fine if the enemy’s body disappeared). If you are playing with others, you do not have to be the one who got the decoration.
3. Post your screenshot and information in the Swtorista Website Discord in the #operation-decoration-contest channel. Include these details:
- Operation:
- Difficulty Mode:
- Dropped from enemy:
- Decoration name:
For example:
- Flashpoint: Scum & Villainy
- Difficulty Mode: Master
- Dropped from enemy: Dashrude
- Decoration name: Krayt Dragon Skull
You can run as many operations as you want and enter as many times as you see a decoration drop!
If you ran a whole Operation and did not get or see a decoration at all this is still useful information to me! Feel free to post the same details in the discord – which operation you ran, in what mode, and that you saw no decos in your “Other” tab. It just won’t be entered.
If you run with a friend, that’s totally fine! you can both enter. If you put a note in the discord saying it’s a second entry for the same deco that dropped, that would be very useful for the data.
Winners: 10 random entries will be chosen to win a 450 CC Cartel Coin Code provided by the SWTOR Community Team, which can be used on any server or account type. Each player can only win once, but the more entries you enter the higher your chances of winning. Winners will be chosen sometime up to one month after contest ends (I’m slow.)
Screenshots / Data: The information you gather will be used to help other players figure out how to get decorations! Your screenshot may be posted to the swtorista.com website in the Decorations section or shared on social media to gather more deco info from other players. You are more than welcome to “blank out” your character’s name/details for privacy if you wish before you submit it to discord / the contest.