Author Archives: Swtorista

Featured, Naming

Sith Pureblood Name Generator

Although the name “Sith” is now used by the order of Force users who call upon the dark side, the term originally referred to a Force-sensitive species of red-skinned humanoids….

Featured, Naming

Rattataki Name Generator

As a less commonly seen species in the galaxy, Rattataki do not seem to have any rules or suggestions when it comes to naming. Some take both first and last…

Featured, Naming

Mirialan Name Generator

Renowned in all corners of the galaxy for their spirituality and strong connection to the Force, and this connection can often be reflected in their name. If you are looking…

Lore, News

Revan Loungefly Backpack & Loungefly Interview!

Loungefly paired up with Gamestop to make a Star Wars Revan themed backpack! Apart from figurines, this is probably one of the nicest and highest quality Old Republic collectibles I’ve…



Who owns/works on this site? Swtorista! There are occasionally volunteers, but there is no staff or team, just me. The advertising helps cover the site hosting costs, tools, and most…

Featured, Lore

Star Wars: The Old Republic Developer Story and Cinematics Talk Star Wars Celebration 2022

Story and Cinematics in Legacy of the Sith talk with Charles Boyd, Creative Director, and Ashley Ruhl, Lead Cinematics Director. Hosted by the Galaxy of Heroes booth as they are…

Featured, Mirror Abilities, Mirror Disciplines

Mirror Abilities

Learning to play your mirror class SWTOR? If you know how to play one, you know how to play the other, you just need to learn the mirror ability names and icons for your discipline, as they play exactly the same way!

Featured, Mirror Abilities, SWTOR

What are Mirror Classes in SWTOR?

You may have heard another play talking about “mirror classes”, “mirror combat styles”, “mirror disciplines” or just using the term “mirror” in general when talking about the game. In Star…