Martial Pilgrim's Amor Set

Martial Pilgrim's Amor Set Armor Set

The Martial Pilgrim's Amor Set armor set is a Cartel Market armor set that players can buy in Star Wars: The Old Republic. This set is wearable by characters on either faction at any level on any class.

How to get the Cartel Market Martial Pilgrim's Amor Set Armor Set

Martial Pilgrim's Amor Set Armor Set is a Cartel Market item, which means it originally comes from the ingame Cartel Market, and can be obtained four different ways - bought on the GTN, bought or traded from another player, bought directly from the Cartel Market for cartel coins, or found by random chance in a Cartel Pack.

Buying the Martial Pilgrim's Amor Set Armor Set from the GTN with Credits

Pieces of the Martial Pilgrim's Amor Set set can be found on the GTN, which is an auction house where players can buy and sell unbound items. To find the GTN at level 10 or higher, look for the Galactic Trade Network section of the Republic or Imperial Fleet.

When searching for pieces of the Martial Pilgrim's Amor Set's armor set, search just for Martial Pilgrim's Amor Set instead of its full name - the pieces may be sold on their own, as part of a bundle of pieces, or as part of an entire set called the Martial Pilgrim's Amor Set. Don't forget to sort by price lowest to highest to find the best deal!

Trading for the Martial Pilgrim's Amor Set Armor Set with Another Player

Other players may have a Martial Pilgrim's Amor Set Armor Set they are trying to sell, or its individual pieces. You can post in the /trade chat ingame to ask if anyone is selling the set, post on the official forums for your server, post on the /r/swtor_trade subreddit, or post in the #trading-terminal channel of the SWTOR Discord Chat.

Buying the Martial Pilgrim's Amor Set Armor Set Directly from the Cartel Market with Cartel Coins

The Martial Pilgrim's Amor Set Armor Set may be available for direct purchase from the Cartel Market with Cartel Coins. Cartel Coins can be bought with real money, subscribers receive 500 per month, players with a security key earn 100 per month, and you can also earn Cartel Coins through achievements. When searching on the Cartel Market for this item, search for the term Martial Pilgrim's Amor Set. Items are regularily rotated in and out of the Cartel Market, so what is actually available for purchase on any given day is random.

Won by Random Chance from Ultimate Packs

Ultimate packs are an item that can be bought from the Cartel Market, and contain random items from the Cartel Market. The Martial Pilgrim's Amor Set Armor Set is one of thousands of possible items that could be dropped from an Ultimate Pack.

Older Cartel Market items also drop from specific types of Cartel Packs, which are similar to Ultimate Packs but instead may only drop a smaller selection of items. These types of Cartel Packs are mostly retired and are hard to find.

Unlocking Martial Pilgrim's Amor Set for all your Characters

Unlock infinite copies for your character: If you have collected every piece of this armor set and have worn it on your character, it will become available in your collections - which means you can get free copies of this set any time from Collections, and you are free to destory the original. Just make sure it doesn't have any dyes or mods you want to keep in it!

Unlock infinite copies for all your characters: If you have collected every piece of this armor set and have worn it on one of your characters, you can pay 60 Cartel Coins in the Collections window to unlock free copies for every character on your entire account on all servers.

Warning: These unlock costs need to be reviewed on this website, it might not actually be 60. Make sure to double-check the price ingame.

Martial Pilgrim's Amor Set Armor Pieces

  • Martial Pilgrim Circlet
  • Martial Pilgrim Chestguard
  • Martial Pilgrim Pants
  • Martial Pilgrim Boots
  • Martial Pilgrim Gloves
  • Martial Pilgrim Belt
  • Martial Pilgrim Wristguards
Martial Pilgrim Chestguard
Martial Pilgrim Circlet
Martial Pilgrim Pants
Martial Pilgrim Boots
Martial Pilgrim Gloves
Martial Pilgrim Belt