Haruss & Sorau’s Noble Estate – Darth Malgus
- Alderaan Noble Estate: Haruss & Sorau's Noble Estate on Darth Malgus
- Submitted by: Haruss
- Publicly Listed: Neutral
Despite how massive Alderaan stronghold is, Bioware actually did a very good job with the hook placement & variety in it so it was surprised how easy it was to decorate the place and line everything up nicely. I went full-on palace/gardens mode on this one, those big ballrooms were just waiting for all the unused luxurious decorations & statues I had in my directory. Onderon objects proved very fitting to me as well, utilized the statues, vases, plants and trees for a more exotic-garden angle. Hunting trophies and taxidermy sit well withing Alderaan lore as well. Turned the temple at the end of the map into ancient Jedi ruins and the massive area at the beginning into a farm land for that self-sustainable estate magnate feel. Hope you enjoy the results and feel free to visit my Stronghold on Darth Malgus server!
Other Posts by Haruss:
- id: 51
- title: Haruss & Sorau’s Noble Estate – Darth Malgus
- posturl: https://tord.mmo-fashion.com/haruss-soraus-noble-estate-darth-malgus/
- thumbnail: https://f005.backblazeb2.com/file/torfashion/2021/03/haruss-alderaan00.jpg
- thispostid: 63299
- count: 52
- postdate: March 22, 2021
- misc themes: themes
- groups: Jedi
- colors: Green,Orange,
- year: 2021
- type: Chamber,Headquarters,Hotel,Resort,Retreat,Temple
- type2: Alderaan Noble Estate
- planets: Alderaan,
- server: Darth Malgus
- rooms: Archives/Library,Art Gallery/Museum,Ballroom,Barracks/Bedroom,Conservatory/Solarium,Council Chamber,Dining Room,Garden,Lobby,Lounge,Meditation,Office,Reception,Spa,Throne Room
- publiclisting: Neutral
- prolificposter: Haruss
- ppl:
All categories:
- Category: Strongholds/Year/2021/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Planets/Alderaan/
- Category: Strongholds/Type/Alderaan Noble Estate/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Rooms/Archives/Library/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Rooms/Art Gallery/Museum/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Rooms/Ballroom/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Rooms/Barracks/Bedroom/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Stronghold Type/Chamber/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Rooms/Conservatory/Solarium/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Rooms/Council Chamber/
- Category: Strongholds/Server/Darth Malgus/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Rooms/Dining Room/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Rooms/Garden/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Colors/Green/
- Category: Strongholds/Prolific Posters/Haruss/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Stronghold Type/Headquarters/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Stronghold Type/Hotel/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Groups/Jedi/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Rooms/Lobby/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Rooms/Lounge/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Rooms/Meditation/
- Category: Strongholds/Public Listing/Neutral/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Rooms/Office/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Colors/Orange/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Rooms/Reception/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Stronghold Type/Resort/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Stronghold Type/Retreat/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Rooms/Spa/
- Category: Strongholds/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Stronghold Type/Temple/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Rooms/Throne Room/
- Category: Strongholds/Themes/Miscellaneous/Water/