
The Hagnoffarl is a gray ground Rare Drop pet that can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

This pet is a rare drop that can come from many different places - it does not come from a specific activity like the other rare drops pets. the Hagnoffarl at once point was a reward for a now-retired event called the Chevin Grand Acquisitions Race, but can no longer be earned that way. Instead, it can randomly come from many sources, players seem to most regularily report that it comes from random enemies out in the open world (mobs), chests in the open world, and lockboxes from gathering missions. Unfortunately it is bound, so it can not be traded between characters or sold to other players.
Here are some of the ways players have said they got it from... big security chest, crit in a Treasure Hunting 9 'locked' 450 mission that you can buy from the GTN, in the Westwater Settlements area off a strong mob, a regular mob on Makeb, outside the mansion on Solida Hesk’s Estate, a level 55 Shady Character mob on Dromund Kaas during the Bounty event, Tarlam settlement off the mobs, in the underground on CZ-198 the other day off of a mob of the specimens, strong infected sand person in the Rakghoul Tunnels, a tonitran (the raptor-like reptiloids) on Rishi, on Oricon, on Dromund Kaas, on Makeb, on Onderon a drop from enemies in crypt, lurker in the rakghoul tunnels, on Corellia from Green Jedi, supreme guards at the end of the Bounty Hunter story, white maw pirate near Ravagers Op entrance on Rishi, Fungus Elites during the Rakghoul event.
I have started a twitter thread for players to report whether they have gotten this pet recently. Click here to view the replies.
If you have additional information about this pet, please message me using one of the methods at the bottom of this page.
Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #mounts-pets channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.