Opal Vulptilla

The Opal Vulptilla is a medium-size Vulptilla Special animal mount that can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

When the Opal Vulptilla was originally released, it was sent as a very small batch of codes to players in the official Content Creators program (players recognized by Bioware who livestream, blog, podcasts or make videos about the game as fans). There were no stipulations about how to use them, but the expectation was to give them away in some manner. Most players decided to give them away to players who had helped them with content projects or community projects, or give them away through contests or giveaways on Twitch or Twitter. My estimate for the first batch that went out is there was less than 150 Vulptillas/codes that went out, so they were very rare. Over time, more codes are generated and sent to creators, though it is unclear how many are generated and sent out, so players who want to get an Opal Vulptilla will have to keep an eye on giveaways hosted by players in the Content Creator program. Perhaps new ways to win an opal Vultpilla may come in the future too. Note, I am either hand-selecting users who have contributed to the community to give my codes too, or giving them away on social media like on Twitter. Please do not contact me about getting a code. I highly recommend following the creators in the program for better odds of seeing giveaways. - Swtorista

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