Mountain Tauntaun
The Mountain Tauntaun is a small Tauntaun Exploration animal mount that can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

The Mountain Tauntaun and Tundra Tauntaun are a fun mount you can earn on Hoth. There is a vendor right outside the base where you load in to Hoth called the Tauntaun Trainer. The Mountain Tauntaun costs 20 Tauntaun Domestication Data items, and the Tundra Tauntaun costs 15 Tauntaun Domestication Data items, and is for subscribers only. To get the Domestication Data items, you can either buy them directly from the trainer for 100,000 Credits each (making the Mountain Tauntaun cost 2 million credits, and the Tundra Tauntaun 1.5 million credits), or you can trying hunting down tauntaun nests using the lures sold by the vendor which only cost 500 credits. Take your lures, and use them on Taun Fawns, small critters that hang out around Tauntaun nests.
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