Longspur Scout
The Longspur Scout is a small Longspur Flashpoint speeder that can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

The Longspur Scout is a rare drop mount that drops from The Foundry Flashpoint Imperial side and the Maelstrom Prison Flashpoint Republic side. Players reported it has dropped in both Veteran mode, Master mode, and even in Story Mode.
I have started a twitter thread for players to report whether they have gotten this mount recently. Click here to view the replies.
Thank you to player Medullah for helping with this mount!
If you have seen this mount drop, please feel free to reply to the ongoing Twitter Thread so other players can see how you got it.Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #mounts-pets channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.