KX-5 Recon Walker
The KX-5 Recon Walker is a large Walker Rare Drop speeder that can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

The FA-3 Recon Walker and KX-5 Recon Walker are extremely rare drops from the Contraband Cartel Slot Machine. It seems the blue FA-3 Recon Walker drops Republic side, and the black KX-5 Recon Walker drops Imperial side. They are not legacy bound when dropped, so make sure you are playing on the right character. These are probably some of the most uncommon mounts in the entire game due to the ridiculously low drop rate. Very, very few players seem to have this mount. I was not able to find anyone who had this mount till months after I had launched this mounts project and a player submitted a screenshot of their lucky drop!
I have started a twitter thread for players to report whether they have gotten this mount recently. Click here to view the replies.
Thank you to player @WallinJensen for helping with this mount!
If you have seen this mount drop, please feel free to reply to the ongoing Twitter Thread so other players can see how you got it.Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #mounts-pets channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.