Gravestone Officer Swoop
The Gravestone Officer Swoop is a medium-size Gravestone Tech Fragments speeder that can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

How to get the Gravestone Officer Swoop
The Gravestone Officer Swoop is a mount which originally dropped from Command Crates at level 70, the precursor system for gearing up with Renown at level 75. Renown Crates do not drop mounts, but the mounts are still available from a vendor in the Supplies section of the fleet near the level 75 gear vendors. The Gravestone Officer Swoop (and all the other mounts from this vendor) costs 500 Tech Fragments and 100,000 Credits. Tech Fragments can be earned at level 75 by completing certain types of content like Operations, PvP or Flashpoints, or by disintegrating level 75 gear though the inventory.
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