Desler Explorer
The Desler Explorer is a large Desler Rare Drop speeder that can be found in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

This is what the Desler Explorer looks like in a video:

Desler Explorer Video Preview
The Desler Explorer is a rare drop from a special enemy on CZ-198. It is one of the most annoying and rarest dropping mounts in the game and players have nightmares about it. Inside the CZ-198 daily area, on the walkway above the map map, there is an enemy called the Desler Assistant. When the Desler Assistant is defeated, there is a small chance a different enemy called Martinique Desler will spawn in its place, and if you find and defeat her she will drop the Desler Explorer. When you kill the enemy, it takes about 5 minutes to respawn. In the past, players would hunker down and defeat the Desler Assistant, and eventually get Martinique and the mount. However, in a later patch, something changed so she barely spawns. Players could spend anywhere from 2 hours to 30 hours waiting for her to show up.
Multiple players also reported that they did successfully find and defeat Martinique Desler the special NPC, but once defeated, she did not drop the special mount and they contacted customer service, and that customer service sent them the mount in the mail and that it was a known bug. Player David suggests that you may need these things to provide proof, so maybe keep your screenshot key handy while fighting Martinique! Send these along with your report:
- Screenshot of battling Martinique Desler
- Screenshot of Martinique Desler defeated
- Name of Character
- Server in which it occurred
- Time in which it occurred
I have started a twitter thread for players to report whether they have gotten this mount recently. Click here to view the replies.
If you have seen this mount drop, please feel free to reply to the ongoing Twitter Thread so other players can see how you got it.
Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #mounts-pets channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.