Deep Blue and Black Dye Module
The Deep Blue and Black Dye Module can earned through the Reputation system, by reaching the Champion rank with The Voss. Once you have reached Champion, you can buy the schematic for this dye from the The Voss vendor for 100,000 Credits. The schematic, once learned, allows you to craft Deep Blue and Black Dye Modules with Artifice level 350. If you have not reached Champion with The Voss, or do not have the Artifice crew skill, you can buy this dye from the GTN from other players.
When you use the Deep Blue and Black Dye Module, it will dye the primary dye section of your armor Deep Blue, and the secondary part of your armor Black.
All dye modules are one-use, so once you've added a Deep Blue and Black Dye Module to your armor, you will not be able to remove it and reuse it later.
Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #report-issue channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.
Comparison of Similar Dyes
These dyes are not quite the same as the Deep Blue and Black Dye Module, but they have either or in them. The Deep Blue and Black Dye Module preview is on the left, and the other potentially similar dye is on the right.