How to Craft an Industrial Prefab MK-2

Yes this item decoration can be bought on the GTN! Bought and sold on the GTN from other players
armor-mech armstech cybertech Crafted by Armormech, Armstech and Cybertech

Industrial Fabricator Droid

Industrial Prefab MK-2s can be transformed into a wide variety of decorations a a Industrial Fabricator Droid – or combined into a Universal Prefab. You can trade them in for consoles, ceiling lights, munitions and military containers.

You can find an Industrial Fabricator Droid in the “Crew Skills & Strongholds” section of the fleet, and one is also given to you as a decoration for completing the initial housing quest.

How to Craft an Industrial Prefab MK-2 Schematic

Industrial Prefab MK-2

The schematic for a Industrial Prefab MK-2 can be bought from your crafting trainer at Armormech, Armstech or Cybertech crafting level 300. The crafting trainers are located in the “Crew Skills & Strongholds” section of the fleet.

armor-mech Armormech cybertech Cybertech

armstech Armstech

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