Yellow Color Crystal

The Yellow Color Crystal can be crafted by players who have taken the Artifice crew skill and reach Artifice Level 160. This crystal can also be bought on the GTN from other players. The schematic to craft it will become automatically available at the Artifice Crew Skill trainer once you reach Artifice Level 160.

These versions of the Yellow crystal are available:

  • Advanced Yellow Indestructible Crystal +41 Endurance
  • Advanced Yellow Hawkeye Crystal +41 Power
  • Advanced Yellow Eviscerating Crystal +41 Crit
  • Advanced Yellow War Hero Crystal +41 Mastery (The mastery version can also be bought from the PvP vendor on the fleet, but it costs 200000 credits and require Valor 10. The crafted version does not have a Valor requirement.)

Yellow Crystal Lore

Traditionally, in Old Republic lore, the yellow lightsaber crystal was used by Jedi Sentinels. This Jedi ferrets out deceit and injustice, bringing it to light. They focus less on combat, and more on other skills and abilities." However, in Old Republic lore, it is not uncommon to find Fallen Jedi wielding their crystals earned during their time with the Jedi. Notable Old Republic yellow lightsaber wielder is Bastilla Shan. In newer lore, notable yellow lightsaber wielders are the Jedi Temple Guards - yellow seems to not be a common lightsaber color in the movies. In Star Wars: The Old Republic, many lightsabers default to the color of yellow if you do not place a color crystal in them.

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