SWTOR Purple Lightsaber Crystals
Traditionally, in Old Republic lore, Purple (sometime called violet) lightsaber crystals were fairly uncommon, and mostly wield by Sith as an alternative to a red lightsaber crystal. In Knights of the Old Republic, characters could find purple lightsaber crytals in the tomb of Tulak Hord, in Tatooine's dune sea, and the remains of a Dark Jedi on Kashyyyk.
The most well-known purple lightsaber wielder in the Old Republic era was Darth Revan, and the most well known in newer lore is Mace Windu. The idea of a purple lightsaber was actually created by the actor who played Mace Windu in Attack of the Clones, when he asked if you could wield a purple lightsaber during the final battle of the movie, so his character would be more visible. Mace Windu's purple saber is said to be created by a purple Amethyst crystal. In the Old Republic, purple crystals are less common than red crystals, but seem to be the second-most-used type of crystal for Sith.
A Jedi is not restricted to a single color. Rather, that color is a badge of pride for the Jedi Path it signifies. There are lots of options when it comes to purple crystals in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The traditional purple color crystal is called Advanced Purple Color Crystal with variations in naming by the crystal's stats.
Core Color
- Derelict-PurpleCartel Market or GTN+41 Endurance
+41 Power
+41 Crit
+41 Mastery
Artifact Authorization: No - Purple OutlineCartel Market or GTN+41 Endurance
+41 Power
+41 Crit
+41 Mastery
Artifact Authorization: No - Umbaran PurpleCartel Market or GTN+41 Endurance
+41 Power
+41 Crit
+41 Mastery
Artifact Authorization: No - Violet CoronaCartel Market or GTN+41 Endurance
+41 Power
+41 Crit
+41 Mastery
Artifact Authorization: Yes - White-Blue-PurpleCartel Market or GTN+41 Endurance
+41 Power
+41 Crit
+41 Mastery
Artifact Authorization: No - Menacing GlareCartel Market or GTN+41 Endurance
+41 Power
+41 Crit
+41 Mastery
Artifact Authorization: Yes - PurpleEternal Championship, costs 2 Eternal Championship Trophies+41 Endurance
+41 Power
+41 Crit
Artifact Authorization: Yes - Purple CoreCrafting, Artifice Level 550+41 Endurance
+41 Power
+41 Crit
+41 Mastery
Artifact Authorization: Yes - AmethystCrafting, Artifice Level 500+41 Endurance
+41 Power
+41 Crit
+41 Mastery
Artifact Authorization: Yes - White-Purple-BlueCrafting, Artifice Level 350+41 Endurance
+41 Power
+41 Crit
+41 Mastery
Artifact Authorization: No - Rotworm PurpleRanked PvP, costs 10,000 Ranked PvP Reward tokens+41 Endurance
+41 Power
+41 Crit
+41 Mastery
Artifact Authorization: Yes - Black-PurplePvP, Mastery version requires Valor 10 and 250,000 Credits, other versions check GTN+41 Endurance
+41 Power
+41 Crit
+41 Mastery
Artifact Authorization: Yes