SWTOR Game Rules Codex List

Codexes are a type of lore entry that you can collect in-game - they can come from hidden glowing blue object in the open world, from defeating certain enemies, and from completing certain quests. Some codex entries can be found by all types of characters, while others are restricted to characters who are a certain class or faction.

Almost all codex entries are per-character, except for some of the Datacron entries, which are legacy-wide, and some Planet entries that you have earned a Datacron entry on will also be unlocked legacy-wide. The rest you will need to re-earn if you want them unlocked on your other characters.

AmplifiersGame RulesPlanetOnderonLocationYes
Bounty HunterGame RulesGame RulesGame RulesQuestImperial OnlyImperialYes
CombatGame RulesDefaultGame RulesCreationYes
ConversationsGame RulesDefaultGame RulesCreationYes
Energy CellsGame RulesGame RulesGame RulesQuestRepublic OnlyRepublicYes
Energy [Empire]Game RulesGame RulesGame RulesQuestImperial OnlyImperialYes
Energy [Republic]Game RulesGame RulesGame RulesQuestRepublic OnlyRepublicYes
Galactic StrongholdsGame RulesPlanetFleetLore ObjectYes
Group ContentGame RulesDefaultGame RulesCreationYes
HeatGame RulesGame RulesGame RulesQuestImperial OnlyImperialYes
Imperial AgentGame RulesGame RulesGame RulesQuestImperial OnlyImperialYes
Item ModificationsGame RulesPlanetStoryLore ObjectYes
Jedi ConsularGame RulesGame RulesGame RulesQuestRepublic OnlyRepublicYes
Jedi KnightGame RulesGame RulesGame RulesQuestRepublic OnlyRepublicYes
MissionsGame RulesDefaultGame RulesCreationYes
Other PlayersGame RulesDefaultGame RulesCreationYes
Phasing and Story AreasGame RulesDefaultGame RulesCreationYes
ResolveGame RulesPvPPvPPvPYes
Set Bonus ItemsGame RulesPlanetOnderonLocationYes
Sith InquisitorGame RulesGame RulesGame RulesQuestImperial OnlyImperialYes
Sith WarriorGame RulesGame RulesGame RulesQuestImperial OnlyImperialYes
SmugglerGame RulesGame RulesGame RulesQuestRepublic OnlyRepublicYes
Social PointsGame RulesPlanetFleetQuestYes
Space CombatGame RulesPlanetStoryQuestYes
Tactical ItemsGame RulesPlanetOnderonLocationYes
TrooperGame RulesGame RulesGame RulesQuestRepublic OnlyRepublicYes

26 codex entries in this SWTOR Game Rules Codex List search.

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