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Legacy Vendor
Legacy Vendors sell special armor that can only be worn by one class, and require that you have a certain Legacy Level.
Similar Armor Sets
These armors have a very similar shape to the Trooper's Exalted armor set.
TD-17A ColossusStalwart ProtectorEnergized InfantryGalvanized InfantryIronclad SoldierTactical InfantryDiatium OnslaughtLacqerous MeshCiridium AsylumLegacy Vendor Armors
These armors are obtained in similar ways.
Agent's RenownedConsular's RenownedGuardian's RenownedHunter's RenownedInquisitor's RenownedJuggernaut's RenownedMarauder's RenownedSentinel's RenownedSmuggler's RenownedTrooper's RenownedAgent's ExaltedConsular's ExaltedGuardian's ExaltedHunter's ExaltedInquisitor's ExaltedJuggernaut's ExaltedMarauder's ExaltedSentinel's ExaltedSmuggler's ExaltedMore Trooper Armors
More Camouflage Armors
More Plated Leg Armor Armors
More Green Armors
Outfit Database ID: 643 - Added: 2018-09-15 02:17:25 - Opposite: 0 - Identical: 0 - Similar: 641