Toxic Duelist MK-2 (Imperial) Armor Set armor thumbnail.

Toxic Duelist MK-2 (Imperial) Armor Set

The Toxic Duelist MK-2 (Imperial) armor set is a Low Level Heroics/Conquest MK-2 armor set that players can get in Star Wars: The Old Republic. This set is wearable only by Imperial characters at any level on any Imperial class.

How to Get Low Level Heroics/Conquest MK-2 Armors

Low-level Heroic armor is a special reward that only drops when you run Heroics or complete conquest in a specific level range on a specific set of Combat Styles. After you out-level them, you will no longer be able to get these specific pieces, and if you are the wrong Combat Style, you will never be able to get them to drop. There are many look-alike pieces for these low-level Heroic armors you can get instead though. These pieces are Binds on Pickup so they can not be sold to other players, or sent to your other characters. These level-range armor rewards were added to the game in Update 4.0.


This armor set changes appearance when it is transferred Republic-side. It keeps the same name, but will take the appearance of a set for the mirror-class of this set.

Toxic Duelist MK-2 (Imperial) Armor Pieces

  • Toxic Force-Lord / Duelist MK-2 [headpiece]
  • Toxic Force-Lord / Duelist MK-2 [chestpieces]
  • Toxic Force-Lord / Duelist MK-2 [legs]
  • Toxic Force-Lord / Duelist MK-2 [boots]
  • Toxic Force-Lord / Duelist MK-2 [gloves]
  • Toxic Force-Lord / Duelist MK-2 [belt]
  • Toxic Force-Lord / Duelist MK-2 [bracers]