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Cartel Market
Cartel Market armor originally comes from the Cartel Market, either through direct sale or through random chance in Cartel Packs. Almost all Cartel Market armors are cosmetic in nature, do not have any stats attached to them by default, and can be worn by players of any level or any class. Cartel Market armor can sometimes be found for direct sale on the Cartel Market, but if it is not available there it can be purchased from other players on the GTN.
Similar Armor Sets
These armors have a very similar shape to the Series 617 Cybernetic armor set.
Series 212 CyberneticSeries 510 CyberneticSeries 614 CyberneticSeries 615 CyberneticSeries 616 CyberneticSeries 858 Cybernetic ArmorSeries 901 Cybernetic ArmorMore Cybernetics Armors
More Cybernetic Legs Armors
More Gray Armors
More Light Pants Armors
Outfit Database ID: 1141 - Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00 - Opposite: 0 - Identical: 0 - Similar: 1145