Ruthless Commander

Ruthless Commander Armor Set

The Ruthless Commander armor set can be purchased for 3,500 Tech Fragments + 500,000 credits per piece from the cosmetic Tech Fragment vendors in the supplies section of the Fleet, as of update 7.0. This set is wearable by characters on either faction at any level on any class.

GTN: These older armors were originally available in Galactic Command boxes in the 5.0 expansion, so you may be able to find the Bind-to-Equip versions left over from the previous expansion on the GTN from players who had extras leftover to sell, though they will likely be hard to come by, and expensive. The ones on the GTN seem to be the same as the ones on the Tech Fragment vendor, though I can't promise they don't change appearance, so make sure to preview them before you buy them on the GTN.

  • Head: 3,000 Tech Fragments + 1,000,000 Credits
  • Chest: 3,000 Tech Fragments + 1,000,000 Credits
  • Legs: 3,000 Tech Fragments + 1,000,000 Credits
  • Boots: 3,000 Tech Fragments + 1,000,000 Credits
  • Gloves: 3,000 Tech Fragments + 1,000,000 Credits
  • Belt: 3,000 Tech Fragments + 1,000,000 Credits
  • Bracers: 3,000 Tech Fragments + 1,000,000 Credits

How to Get Tech Fragments Armors

These armors can be purchased directly from a vendor called the Cosmetic Armor and Weapons vendor (Z9-V86 droid) in the Supplies section of the Fleet. The versions from this vendor are Bind to Legacy. These armors do not change between factions and you can buy all the sets on either side. Each piece costs 3,500 Tech fragments plus 500,000 credits, so a full set is quite expensive, but is accessible even to free-to-play players if they save up and buy the set piece-by-piece.


The Tech Fragments armor set is legacy-bound which means it can be shared between your characters.

Ruthless Commander Armor Pieces

  • Ruthless Commander's Helmet
  • Ruthless Commander's Body Armor
  • Ruthless Commander's Legplates
  • Ruthless Commander's Boots
  • Ruthless Commander's Gauntlets
  • Scrap: Assorted Droid Parts
  • Ruthless Commander's Vambraces
Ruthless Commander's Body Armor
Ruthless Commander's Helmet
Ruthless Commander's Legplates
Ruthless Commander's Boots
Ruthless Commander's Gauntlets
Scrap: Assorted Droid Parts