Polished Peacekeeper

Polished Peacekeeper Armor Set

The Polished Peacekeeper armor set is a Archived Synthweaving Rise of the Hutt Cartel Schematics armor set that players can get in Star Wars: The Old Republic. This set is wearable by characters on either faction, who are a specific level or higher, but is only wearable by Troopers* and Jedi Knights*, even in the Outfitter tab.

* Who can wear this class-specific armor? In Update 7.0, the way you fight with your character was seperated from their story class. Many old armors still have story class replies written on their tooltips, but these tooltips are not correct.

Only wearable by: Characters who have these Combat Styles...

* Only wearable by certain combat styles

* Only wearable by certain combat styles

How to Get Archived Synthweaving Rise of the Hutt Cartel Schematics Armors

Crafting Update 2.0, the first expansion, was really strange. I THINK a few of these schematics came directly from the Crew Skills Trainer as green-bordered items. Then you could maybe reverse-engineer some of the chestpieces, to get a blue-bordered chestpiece - but only the chestpiece, or maybe those were from world drops that were reverse-engineered. Then lastly, I think there was some orange-bordered sets you could get directly from the Crew Skills trainer, but some of these were strange and had only a few pieces each rather than a full set of items.

Polished Peacekeeper Armor Pieces

  • Polished Peacekeeper [headpiece]
  • Polished Peacekeeper [chestpieces]
  • Polished Peacekeeper [legs]
  • Polished Peacekeeper [boots]
  • Polished Peacekeeper [gloves]
  • Polished Peacekeeper [belt]
  • Polished Peacekeeper [bracers]
Polished Peacekeeper [chestpieces]
Polished Peacekeeper [headpiece]
Polished Peacekeeper [legs]
Polished Peacekeeper [boots]
Polished Peacekeeper [gloves]
Polished Peacekeeper [belt]