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Retired Pvp Level 40
Retired Level 40 PvP Armor is now-retired armor that was introduced to the game in Update 1.0 and was designed for characters who were level 40+ from playing PvP. These armors are Bind on Pickup, which means even if you happen to have this old armor in your Cargo Holds, it can not be sold or given to another player, and can not be sent to your other characters. There is no way to get the old level-40, Update 1.0 versions of the Retired Level 40 PvP armor anymore, but there may be some look-alikes available that were introduced later so players could collect them as cosmetic looks - these similar look-alikes may have Retired Level 40 PvP in the their name, or may have a completely different name. The original level-40 Retired Level 40 PvP armors changed their looks depending on what faction you had earned them on, but any later look-alike sets may stay the same reagrdless of faction, so you might be able to find a version that you can wear on the opposite faction with the same look.
Retired Pvp Level 40 Armors
These armors are obtained in similar ways.
BladefuryForcebound AdeptFurious AssaultOf Dark DemiseOf Dark PromiseOf Entropic AssaultOf Inexorable DefenseOf Invigorating AssaultOf SavageryOf Solar WrathOf the EclipseOf the Force NimbusOf the WardenRD-05A Close QuartersRD-05A SpiderRD-15A Imperial AssaultTD-05A PantherTD-15A CenturionTD-15A Pyro-TechTH-05A ScoundrelTH-05A War MedicTH-15A MedicTH-15A PatrolTT-15A CoercionTT-15A Republic AssaultUnderworld BusinessVanquisherMore Jedi Consular Armors
Outfit Database ID: 4734 - Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00 - Opposite: 0 - Identical: 0 - Similar: 0