Imperial Lieutenant

Imperial Lieutenant Armor Set

The Imperial Lieutenant armor set is a Galactic Seasons Track armor set that players can get in Star Wars: The Old Republic. This set is wearable by characters on either faction at any level on any class.

How to Get Galactic Seasons Track Armors

Galactic Seasons are limited-time events that run for 5 months and cover a wide variety of activities. Track rewards are only available during a specific season, and are then retired.

Imperial Lieutenant Armor Pieces

  • Imperial Lieutenant's Visor
  • Imperial Lieutenant's Jacket
  • Imperial Lieutenant's Leggings
  • Imperial Lieutenant's Boots
  • Imperial Lieutenant's Gloves
  • Imperial Lieutenant's Belt
  • Imperial Lieutenant's Bangle
Imperial Lieutenant's Jacket
Imperial Lieutenant's Visor
Imperial Lieutenant's Leggings
Imperial Lieutenant's Boots
Imperial Lieutenant's Gloves
Imperial Lieutenant's Belt