GEMINI MK-4 Onslaught / Iokath MK-4 Onslaught

GEMINI MK-4 Onslaught / Iokath MK-4 Onslaught Armor Set

The GEMINI MK-4 Onslaught / Iokath MK-4 Onslaught armor set is a Archived Crafting Eternal Commander (MK-4 and White MK-14), Gemini (MK-4) Iokath (MK-4) armor set that players can get in Star Wars: The Old Republic. This set is wearable by characters on either faction, who are level 70 or higher on any class.

How to Get Archived Crafting Eternal Commander (MK-4 and White MK-14), Gemini (MK-4) Iokath (MK-4) Armors

Retired Crafted Eternal Commander Armor is now-retired armor that was introduced to the game in Update 5.0 and was designed for characters who were level 70 from endgame PvE content. The schematics are now retired and no longer obtainable, BUT, if you can find someone who has the schematic, they can still craft it for you and trade it to you, as the items are Bind on Equip. Although these are hard to find these days, look-alikes were introduced later so players could collect them as cosmetic looks - these similar look-alikes may have Eternal Commander in the their name, or may have a completely different name.

GEMINI MK-4 Onslaught / Iokath MK-4 Onslaught Armor Pieces

  • GEMINI MK-4 Onslaught [headpiece]
  • GEMINI MK-4 Onslaught [chestpieces]
  • GEMINI MK-4 Onslaught [legs]
  • GEMINI MK-4 Onslaught [boots]
  • GEMINI MK-4 Onslaught [gloves]
  • GEMINI MK-4 Onslaught [belt]
  • GEMINI MK-4 Onslaught [bracers]
GEMINI MK-4 Onslaught [chestpieces]
GEMINI MK-4 Onslaught [headpiece]
GEMINI MK-4 Onslaught [legs]
GEMINI MK-4 Onslaught [boots]
GEMINI MK-4 Onslaught [gloves]
GEMINI MK-4 Onslaught [belt]