Alternative Stats Armor Sets
This armor set has multiple versions that are visually identical and are gotten the exact same way, the only difference is their names and the stats that are attached to them - for example, one set might be better for a healer or tank, but they all look the same. Also Known As: Fervent Battle / Fervent Combat / Sovereign Mind

Here are some of the alternate pieces that are part of this set.
- [Prototype] Fervent Battle Vest (Level 22) (Binds on Equip)
- [Prototype] Sovereign Mind Chestguard (Level 22) (Binds on Equip)
- Fervent Battle Vest (Level 24) (Binds on Pickup)
- Fervent Combat Vest (Level 24) (Binds on Pickup)
- Sovereign Mind Chestguard (Level 24) (Binds on Pickup)
- [Prototype] Fervent Battle Headgear (Level 22) (Binds on Equip)
- [Prototype] Sovereign Mind Headgear (Level 22) (Binds on Equip)
- Fervent Battle Boots (Level 20) (Binds on Equip)
- [Prototype] Fervent Battle Boots (Level 20) (Binds on Equip)
- [Prototype] Fervent Battle Bracers (Level 20) (Binds on Equip)
- Fervent Battle Gloves (Level 22) (Binds on Equip)
- Fervent Battle Leggings (Level 20) (Binds on Equip)
- [Prototype] Fervent Battle Leggings (Level 20) (Binds on Equip)
- [Prototype] Fervent Battle Waistcord (Level 21) (Binds on Equip)
- Fervent Battle Waistcord (Level 21) (Binds on Equip)
- Fervent Combat Boots (Level 20) (Binds on Equip)
- Fervent Combat Gloves (Level 22) (Binds on Equip)
- Fervent Combat Waistcord (Level 21) (Binds on Equip)
- [Prototype] Sovereign Mind Armguards (Level 20) (Binds on Equip)
- Sovereign Mind Belt (Level 21) (Binds on Equip)
- [Prototype] Sovereign Mind Belt (Level 21) (Binds on Equip)
- [Prototype] Sovereign Mind Boots (Level 20) (Binds on Equip)
- Sovereign Mind Boots (Level 20) (Binds on Equip)
- Sovereign Mind Greaves (Level 20) (Binds on Equip)
- [Prototype] Sovereign Mind Greaves (Level 20) (Binds on Equip)
- Sovereign Mind Handgear (Level 22) (Binds on Equip)
- Fervent Battle Bracers (Level 21) (Binds on Pickup)
- Fervent Battle Headgear (Level 23) (Binds on Pickup)
- Fervent Combat Bracers (Level 21) (Binds on Pickup)
- Fervent Combat Headgear (Level 23) (Binds on Pickup)
- Sovereign Mind Armguards (Level 21) (Binds on Pickup)
- Sovereign Mind Headgear (Level 23) (Binds on Pickup)
- Schematic: Fervent Battle Leggings
- Schematic: Sovereign Mind Greaves
- Vigilant Assault Greaves (Level 20) (Binds on Equip)
- Schematic: Vigilant Assault Greaves
- Wrathbringer's Leggings (Level 20) (Binds on Equip)
- Schematic: Wrathbringer's Leggings
- Fervent Battle / Fervent Combat / Sovereign Mind (Imperial) [headpiece]
- Fervent Battle Vest (Imperial)
- Fervent Battle / Fervent Combat / Sovereign Mind (Imperial) [legs]
- Fervent Battle / Fervent Combat / Sovereign Mind (Imperial) [boots]
- Fervent Battle / Fervent Combat / Sovereign Mind (Imperial) [gloves]
- Fervent Battle / Fervent Combat / Sovereign Mind (Imperial) [belt]
- Fervent Battle / Fervent Combat / Sovereign Mind (Imperial) [bracers]
Similar Armor Sets
These armors have a very similar shape to the Fervent Battle / Fervent Combat / Sovereign Mind (Imperial) armor set, or may even be identical.
Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #report-armor channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.

TOR Fashion was a website that also catalogued SWTOR armor, and was passed down to me. These are the images that were on the site for the Sovereign Mind (Imp) set.
Where to Obtain:
[Prototype] gear is from world drop. Belt, bracers and gloves are not moddable.
- Head: Nar Shaddaa Planetary Comm Vendor
No players have submitted any mix-and-match outfits using this armor set yet.
World Drops And Crafted Armors
These armors are obtained in similar ways.
More World Drops And Crafted ArmorsMore Sith Warrior Armors
Outfit Database ID: 6166 - Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00 - Opposite: 0 - Identical: 0 - Similar: 1253