(randomized) Expeditionary / Norris (Imperial)

(randomized) Expeditionary / Norris (Imperial) Armor Set

The (randomized) Expeditionary / Norris (Imperial) armor set is a Randomized Armors armor set that players can get in Star Wars: The Old Republic. This set is wearable only by Imperial characters, who are level 39 or higher on any Imperial class in the Outfitter tab but is restricted to characters that can wear light armor in the normal equipment slots.

The unique name for this set might be something like: Expeditionary (Premium) / Norris (Premium) (Imperial).

How to Get Randomized Armors Armors

These armor pieces used to be quite common as random drops across the planets in the game, and were randomly generated and come in many different name and stat variations. They are very uncommon these days, but can still ocassionally be dropped by enemies and found in Treasure Hunting boxes.


This armor set changes appearance when it is transferred Republic-side. It keeps the same name, but will take the appearance of a set for the mirror-class of this set.

(randomized) Expeditionary / Norris (Imperial) Armor Pieces

  • (randomized) Expeditionary / Norris [headpiece]
  • (randomized) Expeditionary / Norris [chestpiece]
  • (randomized) Expeditionary / Norris [legs]
  • (randomized) Expeditionary / Norris [boots]
  • (randomized) Expeditionary / Norris [gloves]
  • (randomized) Expeditionary / Norris [belt]
  • (randomized) Expeditionary / Norris [bracers]
(randomized) Expeditionary / Norris [chestpiece]
(randomized) Expeditionary / Norris [headpiece]
(randomized) Expeditionary / Norris [legs]
(randomized) Expeditionary / Norris [boots]
(randomized) Expeditionary / Norris [gloves]
(randomized) Expeditionary / Norris [belt]