Classic Forward Recon

Classic Forward Recon Armor Set

The Classic Forward Recon armor set is a Cartel Market armor set that players can buy in Star Wars: The Old Republic. This set is wearable by characters on either faction at any level on any class.

How to Get Cartel Market Armors

Cartel Market armor originally comes from the Cartel Market, either through direct sale or through random chance in Cartel Packs. Almost all Cartel Market armors are cosmetic in nature, do not have any stats attached to them by default, and can be worn by players of any level or any class. Cartel Market armor can sometimes be found for direct sale on the Cartel Market, but if it is not available there it can be purchased from other players on the GTN.

Unlocking Classic Forward Recon for all your Characters

240 Cartel Coins

If you have collected every piece of this armor set and have worn it on your character, it will become available in your collections - which means you can get free copies of this set any time from Collections.

Classic Forward Recon Armor Pieces

  • Classic Forward Recon Helmet
  • Classic Forward Recon Chest Plate
  • Classic Forward Recon Leg Plates
  • Classic Forward Recon Boots
  • Classic Forward Recon Gloves
  • Classic Forward Recon Belt
  • Classic Forward Recon Bracers
Classic Forward Recon Chest Plate
Classic Forward Recon Helmet
Classic Forward Recon Leg Plates
Classic Forward Recon Boots
Classic Forward Recon Gloves
Classic Forward Recon Belt